And then it hit me.
Narrator. After all, who was that
doomsday speaker in my head, stifling my energy, but me? I am the narrator of my life. A narrator is one who tells, who relates, who
creates a story from what happens for the purpose of knowing and being known. Each day, in every encounter, in every
experience, we are telling the story of our lives.
Helping, guiding and directing us is our narrator – who has
two sides. The inner narrator helps us
to interpret and understand what we are experiencing. As they say, stuff happens. These are the
events that make up our life story. Our
inner narrator is always talking to us about those events, choosing which are
significant, which matter, which are ignored.
This voice is shaped by our history, our experiences, our beliefs and
our values.
Say there’s a new job posting at the office. It’s your dream job – the work is a perfect
fit for your skills, the pay is better, the office bigger, the title sure to
impress. You apply, you talk to the
hiring manager, but ultimately you don’t get the job. This is the event. How you understand this event depends on your
inner narrator – what does she have to say about it? Maybe - “Typical. You always mess things up. Your career is dead in the water.” Or maybe –
“Stupid manager. That is the worst interview I’ve ever had. That department doesn’t deserve me.” Or – “I
put myself out there and tried. I’ll try
again. Life’s a marathon, not a sprint.”
Which narrator makes for a richer, fuller story? Which narrator inspires and nurtures? Which narrator do you want to represent you? Because that’s exactly what the inner narrator
does – what’s going on inside shapes how you show up to the rest of the world. This
inner narrator is the writer and editor for the outer narrator – the voice who
speaks to others, chooses which stories to share and how to tell them, and allows
us to be known by others and to engage in authentic relationship with them.
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