Tuesday, December 3, 2013

U for Universal

Universal.  That’s our U word. I was thinking about this yesterday while spending time with a young friend.  After several hours of fun, we were walking from the bus stop and her little steps were stumbling.  I mentioned the “t” word – “are you tired?”  She immediately perked up and assured me she was not, even as her eyes drooped with the next step.  “Would you like for me to carry you?”  “Yes.”

A universal truth – ask a kid if she’s tired and she’ll most likely protest.  None of us wants to get tired.  We might miss something.  Can’t blame her…I often protest, too, especially late at night when there’s just one more thing catching my attention.  Which reminds me of another universal – when it’s impossible to find sleep at 2 a.m. with the help of GPS, at 6 a.m. when the alarm goes off, sleep is camping out at the back of both eyeballs, pouring a concrete foundation to boot and has to be eradicated with major explosives – preferably weapons of mass caffeine. 

And then the other universal – you never need a bathroom when there’s a clean facility nearby.  But get ten minutes away from running water with the next rest stop two hours ahead and your bowels will open faster and more furiously than Wal-Mart on Black Friday.

I noticed my universals are rather basic (and bio-oriented) so decided to see what other more enlightened souls had to say.

I want to disagree with Dr. King, but I’ve experienced it – heck, I am that at times. 

In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.  George Orwell

Ouch.  Not many Paul Reveres around these days.

A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.  William Arthur Ward

Music is the universal language of mankind.  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

So which is it?   Someone clarify, please.

There is no faculty of the human soul so persistent and universal as that of hatred.  Henry Ward Beecher

Unless maybe it’s hope?

Live your life as though your every act were to become a universal law.  Immanuel Kant

Wow – this is a real challenge.  All that potential fairness and equity gets in the way of my wants.

There’s this great Andy Griffith episode when Barney volunteers to fill a vacancy in the choir, assuring the director of his singing abilities.  Of course, it doesn’t take along until they realize Barney’s claims are exaggerated.  And the comedy ensues as the choir tries to replace him without hurting his feelings.  Inspecting Barney’s throat, Andy tries to convince Barney that something looks wrong in there, his throat is too red and swollen and needs to be rested.  Barney protests that he feels fine, and then hustles off to the doctor, returning with a smile.

Barney:  That’s a uvula.  Everybody’s got one. You’ve got a uvula.  They’ve got a uvula.  I’ve got a uvula. All God’s children got a uvula.

Andy replies with a sigh and a “Hallelujah.”

Maybe, at the end of the day, the uvula is the greatest universal truth there is.  We’ve all got one.  We’re all human.  Hallelujah.

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