Wednesday, January 14, 2009


14 January and I’m keeping one of my resolutions – start a blog! So here we go. Some of you have been with me since my early writings, Geneva Notes, and most recently, Sing Songs. I still have so much to say (imagine that!) so I’ve decided to give the blog format a try, making my notes more frequent, sometimes shorter, sometimes more in-depth, and most importantly, more interactive. Dialogue please.

The earlier journals, Geneva Notes and Sing Songs, were reflections on expat life, first in Switzerland and then in Singapore. With this blog, I hope to cover a variety of topics – life, work, family, money, travel, food, who knows? I considered starting a few different blogs, focusing more narrowly on particular subjects – but opted for this more integrated approach. In my coaching, it has become clearer that we cannot dissect and compartmentalize ourselves. What happens in one area of our lives shows up somehow in other areas. We are created to be whole beings. Anything less is a life short-changed.


  1. Great new blog. Glad to see you back on the wires. Have a great 2009!

  2. Jen,
    Just read your cousins email and what a scream. You should make her a regular contributor to your Blog.
