Friday, January 23, 2009

TCK in the Oval Office

We’ve been dragging these past couple of days having stayed up until around 3 a.m. to follow the inauguration events in D.C.  It was just too exciting.  Who could sleep through that?  Third culture kid (TCK) is a term I learned after moving to Singapore.  These are kids who spend part of their childhood outside of their native country.  As a result, they develop their own unique, or “third” culture – not exactly like their parents, not exactly like their hosts.  They have a passport from their day of birth and are used to long international flights, living next door to people of different religions, and hearing multiple languages in everyday life. Obama is a TCK having spent some of his early years in Indonesia.  I (finally) read “The Audacity of Hope” over the holidays – if I had read it before the election, I would have voted for him twice.  Or is that only legal in select states?

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